having fun in the garden...and who knows....maybe something will grow!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Little Grinnie

Thank you to my brother who helped me source this little grinadella. I finally collected little Grinnie from Marty last weekend and planted her behind the baby clementine. I'm going to find something to use as a lattice so that the grinadella can grow alongside the clementine (street facing side, along side the drain) to also help create a natural screening for privacy. Now to wait for these babies to grow!!! What is also great is that when the grinadella sheds its leaves, it will provide a nice mulch for the tree beds!

The Incredible Tomato Seed

This little surprise tomato seed popped up in my window box one day. It grew into a strong little seedling. In the first month of winter I took the very bold step of transplanting the seedling into a pot on my back patio. I sheltered it from wind by placing a board behind it and two bottles along side it. A basil bush sheltered it from the front but still gave it enough light and room to grow. From time to time I pruned the lower branches and gave it some love and worm tea. Look at her now! She made it through winter and I'm looking forward to my first crop soon this spring!


Okay, so I simply couldn't wait. In early August I planted some seeds into trays to see if any would come up. Needless to say, most didn't however, the mange tout peas and leeks did! Once they were big enough I planted them into the veggie beds and covered them each with an upside down milk bottle to create a little 'greenhouse' effect to protect each seedling. It looks like it is working! I also added grass clippings as mulch and lots of egg shells to help keep the snails at bay. Although I am using plastic bottles, it is just for a short period during the cooler months to protect the seedlings until they grow strong enough, so I do not believe it is harmful.