having fun in the garden...and who knows....maybe something will grow!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Backyard Free range Eggs

Have a look at these beautiful free range eggs my neighbour gave to me today! They have four beautiful laying hens and they have inspired me to get my own. I'm still in the research phase, but plan on getting two hens soon... can't wait (check out this informative website on this topic)! After visiting my local grocery shop today I asked the store manager why they have been out of stock of free range eggs for two weeks in a row. He said that the demand for them is so low that when he buys a batch most of it ends up being thrown out because no one buys them! :( Well, yet another good reason for me to get my own!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Monkey Puzzle Mulch

After all my pining over lack of pine needles in my area (from what I have read, I need pine needles to help condition my soil type), I discovered that I have my own take on pine needles here in my very own back yard!... The big monkey puzzle tree in the corner of our back yard has been shedding. I managed to collect enough to distribute it over the fruit tree beds as mulch. Okay, so yea, maybe not pine needles but hey, bet it will do the trick! :)

My Women's Day Clementine

The hubby planted this Clementine tree for me on Women's day... what a gift!

Recycling old bricks

My neighbour's building rubble came in handy!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Local Organic Farm Produce

To my absolute delight, I found a farmer around the corner from me who farms organically and sells to the public from his small holding in Kraaifontein. 'Oom' Thys was such a breath of fresh air! He was very honest about which of his produce was organic and if he was not sure, he would say so (whatever veggies he does not grow himself, he buys in from other local sources - not all organic). His prices were also competitive [I bought organic beets [R8 a pack], a large butternut [R5], lemons [R3], bunch of leeks [R9] and honey [R35] - not bad for organic!]. In addition to veggies, he sells honey for one of his neighbours and free range eggs for his other neighbour. He said he also sells free range lamb and his wife makes delicious 'farm style' home cooked meals (not nec. organic) for sale at very reasonable prices to the public. On top of all this, he offers free delivery for his regular customers. To get to 'oom' Thys's place, take the N1 heading to Paarl (from Cape Town) and then take the Maroela Rd turn off (the turn off immediately after the Brighton Rd turn off). At the T junction turn left. You will pass the nursery on your right. Follow the signs on your left (take a left shortly after the nursery at the sign). The house will be further down on your left at sign.